Wednesday, April 19, 2006


The holiday was ok though the weather was kind of dull, I had gone to my shags for an annual get together; that is grandparents, parents, uncles, unties, cousins,nephews etc. At least 4 generations were represented. Its been 10 years since we started meeting and the number of people keeps going up, so many births, we've not had a death in the family so far.
At the party I have no problem remmembering everybody's name but have a serious problem remmembering where they go to school, which class for the young ones and where they work for the older ones, not that I have no interest just poor memory.

Hope you all enjoyed your Easter!


My blog is about a month old now and keeping up sees soo difficult, blogging is almost like a fulltime job considering all the stuff you have to deal with every day.
I had recieved an email about the Kenyan blog awards but haven't had time to look at them. Hope to look at them soon.
Meanwhile Nairobi has been quiet, except the plane tragedy of course. There was the usual stuff, murders, theft, accidents etc but thats normal in Nairobi. It becomes abnormal only when it affets you directly.
We have a way of going on with our lives and hopes the unlucky ones will manage to pull through their misfortunes. You just watch the evening news and its all bad news after bad news. Or what can one do about other peoples problems?

Wednesday, April 05, 2006


I think Kenyans are the most exploited lot of consumers in the whole world. I'll give just one example of this; it happened a few years ago and nobody raised a hand or a voice. It galls me so.

For a long time, BREAD in Kenya was 500g, one day the bakers cartel decieded that bread was too heavy and too cheap. So, they not only increased the price by 50% but reduced the weight to 400g. The incresing price of wheat flour did not warrant such.

P S:I guess its my strong attachment to bread in high school that makes me soo mad.

Monday, April 03, 2006


If know Kenyans well you'll know that they will hold to their mobile phones even if its about 10 years old with 10 different faults, thats where the mobile phone tech cash in. People won't believe their phones are done for before they see this technicians.

Believe me, this technicians (techie) know their biz well. Not the phone repair part but the maximising profits part. This guys who are in every street in Nairobi know their customers very well, that is the customers' almost total ignorance about this gadgets. After interracting with this guys I know they guage a good days' work not with the number of phones successfully repaired but on amount of money earned. You cannot survive in this business if you soft hearted, you have to be totally ruthless. you should be able to tell a white lie with a straight face.

Here are some of their antics;

You taken your dead phone, probably after dropping it on the floor or in water, the techie practically salivates as he write you a job card and asks you to come after an hour or a day. He will revive the phone alright but not to your benefit...He connects the good motherboard with all the external gadgets and sells it. A completely dead one replaces yours, when you come back for your phone you are told 'Imekataa kwamka, pole'.

All techies advertise 'Repair and unlocking' but since very few do the actual unblocking ,you are told " Give me an hour" and the guy runs off to the unlocker for a small fee, then he tells you " Done, its really hard work thats why I took all that time".

The techies don't want you to see what they are doing to your phone because most of them don't have a clue about what they are doing. They mostly work on trial and error basis knowing that even if they mess up your phone some more, you will remain clueless.

etc etc......They are just too many.

Next time you see a mobile phone technician in Nairobi, do it at your own risk.

And for you guys abroad who send mobile phones to your folks back home, make sure its not locked to some network. If it is make sure you send the unlocking fee because for some powerful phones, it costs as much as buying a new phone in Kenya.